Pistol 303: Dire Situation Pistol 


Combat is already a bad situation.  Getting injured where only one limb is operational is even worse.  Learn to use your pistol with either the strong or support hand only in Pistol 303.

Prerequisites: Pistol 101 or equivalent

Training Plan:

Topics Covered: 
• 4 Weapons safety rules/safety brief 
• Tueller Drill

Courses of Fire and Learning Objectives: 
• Strong to support side engagement
• Presentation with support hand
• One handed (strong & support) loading and reloading
• One handed (strong & support) malfunction drills
• And more!ur paragraph here.

​Pistol 404: Close Combat/Pistol 

The use of a pistol is close and personal but the use of your fists, elbows, knees and knives is even more so.  In Pistol 404 you will learn to get comfortable fighting at close contact distances and execute many variations of empty hand-to-pistol (and back to empty hand) close combat techniques

Prerequisites: Pistol 101 or equivalent

Training Plan:

Topics Covered: 
• 4 Weapons safety rules/safety brief 
• Tueller Drill
• Punching
• Elbow Strikes
• Knee Strikes
• Holds
• Knife Combat

Courses of Fire and Learning Objectives: 
• Punches to pistol transitions
• Elbow strikes to pistol transitions
• Knee strikes to pistol transitions
• Break hold to pistol transitions
• Knife to pistol transitions
• And more!

Gear List for Pistol 404 Class:
• Medical tape (recommended).
• Mouth piece (recommended).Type your paragraph here.

Equipment lists:​​​​​​

All Pistol Classes:

Reliable, proven service-type pistol or revolver. 

Pistol Rentals $10.  Includes all accessories.

At least three (3) magazines but more recommended.

Quality Holster; Bianchi, Blackhawk, Bladetech, Eagle, Safariland, etc.

Magazine pouch to hold at least two magazines

Small bottle of lubricant and cleaning kit. 

Strong gun-specific belt unless holster is on your load bearing equipment.

150 - 300 rounds of quality ammunition.  

Steel core and tracer ammunition prohibited at Burro Canyon.

Common Equipment List:

Positive mental attitude and open mind to learn new things. 

Eye protection: Shooting glasses or sunglasses will be MANDATORY

Hearing protection: ear plugs or muffs

Cargo pants or jeans

Boots or strong shoes

Water and/or sports drinks

Lunch, snacks, power bars, trail mix, etc.

Pen and notebook for nuggets of wisdom

Hat with brim (recommended)

Knee pads (recommended)


Bag or pack to hold belongings

Towel, rag, or shemagh for neck protection and general purpose

Wet/cold weather clothing when appropriate.


​​​​​​​​​​​​​Pistol 101:  Introduction to the Defensive Pistol

*Prerequisites: None.  Intended for the new pistol shooter or as a refresher course.

Topics Covered:
4 Weapons safety rules, safety brief and casualty evacuation plan
Mission of the pistol
Weapons conditions of the pistol
Nomenclature of the pistol
Fundamentals of pistol marksmanship
Firing positions; Standing (isosceles), and kneeling.
Presentations and reholstering
Loading and unloading practical application
Press checks
Misfire procedures with practical application
Magazine change with practical application
Press checks
Weapons maintenance: cleaning and lubrication

Courses of Fire and Learning Objectives:
Engage target from the standing
Engage target from the supported and unsupported kneeling
Engage target from the supported and unsupported dual kneeling
Engage target from the standing with misfires
Close with and engage target 
Buddy reload drill


Pistol 202:  Intermediate Defensive Pistol Techniques 

*Prerequisite: Pistol 101 or equivalent from another institution with skills test (see Pistol 101).
Topics covered:
Fire and movement
15 degree rule
Lateral and implicit communications
And more…
Courses of Fire and Learning Objectives:
Close quarter/contact engagements
Engage target from cover and concealment
Engage target from the flanks
Engaging multiple targets
Engage targets from the urban prone
Multiple fire and movement drills
Engage and close with target 
Strong to support hand transitions
And more…
